Monday, January 7, 2019

Visualization Map of Lost Portland, Oregon

I've heard from several people that it would be helpful to have a map with points that correspond to the stories in Lost Portland, Oregon. Here is a basic map with all of the lost places in the book denoted with a white star within a black circle. I hope you find this useful as you read the book! I will add images to these points as I am able.


Lost Portland, Oregon in the News

In this view from early 1892, you are looking south on SW 6th from Washington St. The Hibernian Building is front and center, the Oregonian Tower anchors the other end of the block - note that it hasn't yet had the clock installed in its tower. Also in the distance is the peaked roof of the Marquam Building and beyond that the Portland Hotel. All are featured in Lost Portland, Oregon. Image courtesy of the Architectural Heritage Center.
My new book Lost Portland, Oregon has received a couple of interesting mentions in the news of late. This OregonLive article mentions the book in the context of 25 lost Portland buildings and includes images as well. There was also this recent letter to the editor which received quite a few comments. I'm working on scheduling additional book -related events in the coming months, so stay tuned to this page for more details.

A Little Known Survivor from the 1905 Lewis & Clark Exposition?

UPDATED 4/6/2024 A few weeks ago, I was researching buildings associated with the 1905 Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition and I happene...